Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 2: Foundation Footings Poured

By May 22nd we had cement footings poured for preparation of pouring our walls. The rebar was also placed to help provide support for the basement walls which will be poured rather than cement blocked in. We did notice the basement window was set for the wrong location, so builder knows and problem should be corrected today. :) I think the next stage is pouring the foundation and walls. Let's hope the rain stays away a few more days... **fingers crossed**

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 5: Ground Breaking Complete

It's official... we now have a gigantic hole in our lot for the basement! Hole is dug and two large mounds of dirt equals awesome progress towards our new home. We found out last night when we stopped out there, so here's a picture at night and two from today during our lunch break.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 1: We broke ground -- together

Dustin and I decided to break ground on our own today. We don't need a stinkin' bull dozer! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Lot is Staked (Officially Day 1)

On Friday our lot was staked showing the lot line and new home location for digging. Next step: Breaking Ground scheduled for this week. After the ground is broken, the building process will take off and each day we will see and post progress of our new home. We've been told that it will be completed and ready for us within 4 months of breaking ground. We're super excited and can't wait. Each day feels like a week to us, so we're ecstatic for the project to get rolling.